Accounting Management

A comprehensive database design targets the customer and supplier management of the organizations, and enables an accurate and comprehensive current account follow-up. The current account management enables error-free, fast and complete realization of current account transactions, and enables collecting and managing all data and details of transactions at a single point.

Easy, Fast and Productive Method for Current Account Tracking

Current account tracking program, as a critical item for all enterprises, enables managing the entire process from older to quotation easily. In AKEAD BS current account management field, select company or individual according to the selected customer or supplier, and the screen will change according to this selection. As any input on this screen covers selections that can be used for many years, they will enable tracking customers for any time range.

Operations that can be Created on Customer and Supplier Basis

• Creating detailed customer and supplier profile following commercial relations

• Gradual grouping, searching with different criteria and detailed analysis of sales

• Managing customers accurately and exactly, sending multiple e-mails

Operations that can be Created on Purchase and Sale Basis

• Tracking the entire process from quotation to invoicing, calculating the reseller’s commission

• Creating a new document easily from an existing one, increasing sales with marketing and sales support tools

• Following outstanding invoices and maturities, creating automatic reminders and multiple tax system

Defining a Current Account Card

In the current account card definition field as the first step that the enterprises should complete, the current accounts of the company can be grouped as desired and special notes can be taken. Current accounts can be defined by up to 5 sub-categories, fast reports are created thanks to the group logic.

Notes, Alerts and Delivery Conditions

In this field, where unlimited information can be entered to facilitate the business, the given details allow for a more practical current account management. The notes and alerts about customers or suppliers enable increasing the service quality. The transactions are facilitated by entering the delivery details, errors due to unorganized note taking and not tracking are avoided.

Purchases and Sales

In this field, the enterprises can access the details of quotations, invoices and orders throughout the years. In the section at the right bottom of the screen; the quotation, order, invoice sums and payments, balances and outstanding invoice sums can be examined on one screen.


The statistics section displays the purchases and sales of enterprises on monthly or annual basis, which is critical for companies’ fiscal planning and targets. At the bottom of the screen; total payables, credit limit, outstanding payables and mean payment details are provided.

Defining Flexible Rates

The system for defining flexible rates allows a broad variety of pricing needs to be met. The option to create a specific rate for a customer ensures that you define a different rate for each customer. This useful feature can be used specifically for a customer and can be defined with several parameters such as customer group, payment conditions and sales channel.

Creating an Action

In this section, which is critical for tracking customers and suppliers, the organizations create a useful field for the management system by entering their discussions with their customers/suppliers, and the planned actions. Thanks to this section, sales and marketing activities can be followed.

Contact Details

A current customer relations management is carried out through this screen, which enables identifying the individuals or departments and contacts related with the customers. The information in this field enables easy access to company contacts.

Important Information

A more successful supplier management and customer management is carried out by entering important information such as discount, risk, method of payment, points, bank accounts, fiscal details, shipment and EDI code in this field.